Yulia Enhel - the Founder and President of the international corporation ENHEL Group, blogger. Enhel's story is unpredictable and is a very good role model for many people who seek to start their own business, but do not believe in themselves. In this article, we will briefly talk how Yulia Enhel got the idea to start her own business.
The history of the "Enhel Group" began with a dream to do business with the most innovative country in the world - Japan. Yulia was initially involved in the organization of supplies from Japan of devices for enriching water with molecular hydrogen. Her goal was to help the closest person - her grandmother, who suffered from diabetes. In search for the best medicine for her, she learned a unique technique to reduce blood sugar levels. So she got the idea to help as many people as possible. The next step for her was to build a business plan as clearly as possible and present it to investors, casting aside all her fears and doubts. Subsequently, some of them became interested in her project and decided to invest in it. As she noted: “It seemed like a real miracle: my dream was becoming a reality at a dizzying speed! The main thing is to do everything with pleasure. It is possible for any period of time, even the shortest, to fulfill your dream and change this world for the better. The main thing is to believe in yourself, your business and not to stop for a moment! "
So, in 2014, after long negotiations with Japanese partners, Yulia Enhel founded and headed the Enhel Group, whose main task is to carefully select the world's best technologies in the field of health and beauty. The company began its activities with cooperation with Japanese manufacturers of innovative devices for obtaining hydrogen water Enhel Water. Yulia has received the exclusive right to manufacture and sell equipment for water enrichment with hydrogen all over the world. Today Enhel Group is a dynamically developing holding with several lines of business.

Anna Russka "If you have a dream to start your own business, go ahead and do it!"
19 November, 2022 | businesswoman | Photo: Capital Centre