Memorable catwalk faces from different countries around the world provide a unique perspective on fashion trends and the future of the fashion sector. Gullu Ahmadova is one of the podium figures representing our country at the international level.

Gullu Ahmadova, a model educated in modeling, aims to develop her current potential within the framework of international standards.

The young model representing Azerbaijan in the world has been on the catwalk for several years in "Fashion week" organized in several cities of Russia and Dubai. The young model, who opened to the international world, managed to enter the top 20 in the fashion competition held in Egypt.

In addition to her modeling activities, she publishes her own magazine in the city where she lives - Vladimir.

Our compatriot, who lives in Moscow, Russia, was awarded the nomination of the best top model of the year at the Golden People Awards ceremony held in our capital on June 30, 2022.