Hello, Mrs. Gunay, you often talk about yourself with the work you have done recently. Please introduce yourself

Nice to meet you. First of all, I would like to welcome the Health News team. I, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, Azerbaijan Medical University and I.M. Teacher of the Baku branch of the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov, chairman of the Azerbaijan Scientific Society of Dermatovenerologists, head of the N-Laz clinic, dermatologist esthetician Dr. Gunay Farajova.

Why exactly medicine? Did growing up in a family of doctors influence your choice?

I grew up in an intellectual family. As you know, my father is an honored scientist, Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Farajov was the chief dermatovenerologist of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan and the head of the skin venereal department at AMU for nearly twenty years. Of course, growing up in a family of doctors and being around doctors had a fundamental impact on my choice. In the meantime, I graduated from AMU with honors. After the defense, I received a PhD in medicine and was included in the list of young scientists for that time. I have been in love with beauty since childhood. Being a creative person, I chose dermatology and I am happy with my choice.

The First Aesthetic, Dermatology and Cosmetology Conference, which you were the author of, was the first international conference held in the field of medicine in Azerbaijan. How did you decide you should do this?

First of all, let me note that although a number of conferences in the field of medicine have been held in our country, this was the first time that a large-scale international scientific-practical conference was held. I've been thinking about this for a long time. In October 2022, I drew the plan of the project. My friend and colleague Dr. I shared my idea with Sevinj Abdullayeva and offered to work together. In January, we started working together to realize the project. We put the plan of a year into 4 months. Whoever we sent an offer as a speaker, our offer was accepted without reservation. I think that for the first time, we were able to present a solid work. Our goal was to promote the recognition of the activities of Azerbaijani doctors and the Scientific Society of Dermatovenerologists in the world. I would very much like our doctors to be known and educated in the world. The world-famous Turkish professor who participated in the conference invited several of our doctors, including me, to speak as a speaker at the event to be held in Istanbul in October.

What were your impressions of the conference?

The First Aesthetic, Dermatology and Cosmetology Conference caused great resonance as a large-scale project of the South Caucasus. Even specialists who are participants of international events called our project "Dubaiderma of Azerbaijan". Based on these kind words, we have already given a star to the "Second Aesthetics, Dermatology and Cosmetology Conference 2024". Every year in May, the EDK project will be held in Azerbaijan. I would like to mention that our conference consists of 5 sessions: Dermatology, anatomy, cosmetology, regenerative medicine and plastic surgery. Plastic Surgery and Dermatological aesthetics are related because they both create beauty. In our next project, we will be in front of you with innovations and a more different style.

In one of your interviews, you mentioned that chain events will take place within the project. What do dermatologists expect in this regard?

Yes, within the framework of the "Let's visit Azerbaijan" project, we will organize seminars and trainings not only in Baku, but also in our regions in order to educate our doctors in the field of dermatological aesthetics. Because it is needed. Doctors, doctors of philosophy in medicine, specialists who are members of our Society will carry out educational work in this field. Today, people without medical training are working in this field, and from time to time we come across its consequences. Awareness is a must to eliminate these situations. For the first time in Azerbaijan, an agreement was signed between the Scientific Society of Dermatovenerologists, headed by me, and the Society of Plastic Surgeons, headed by professor Vagif Galandarli, and we created an alliance.

Ms. Gunay, is it possible to teach cosmetology as a science in higher education institutions in the future?

Of course it is possible. Even we do our best to make it happen. As a modern branch of dermatology, dermatological aesthetics, simply put, cosmetology, has already become a part of our lives.

In my opinion, it would be great if medical dermatological aesthetics were taught at the Department of Dermatology of AMU. This field also attracts the attention of the students I teach. Sometimes they approach me and ask me to teach them this field.

Mrs. Gunay, how does it feel to sign a successful first at the national level?

I feel proud of course. It motivates me to hear good things about my work. I want the next project to be even better. I think what more can be done to make people more interested. For the second conference, I will listen to and evaluate the suggestions of doctors in the Scientific Society, which I am the head of.

Thank you for your sincere conversation, Mrs. Gunay!