Aesthetic cosmetology as an alternative to plastic surgery always remains relevant throughout the world. Women who want to change their appearance for the better turn to beauty specialists for this. A beautician who approaches each client individually is a professional beautician. Diana Salmanovna is one of the experts who brought a new format and a new breath to the concept of beauty in Russia.

She is the most sought-after dermatologist, cosmetologist, specialist in injection techniques with a higher medical education in the world of aesthetics in Russia. A beauty specialist in Russian show business, she entered the Medical University in 2005. After receiving a higher medical education since 2013, she specializes in injectable cosmetology. Diana Salmanovna says about her choice: “It was definitely my childhood dream. “I dreamed of becoming a beautician from a young age, but there were no needles at that time, it was mostly masks, cleansers and facial massages, and I enthusiastically applied them to the ladies around me.”

Today, an experienced specialist works with his unique author's method. The most famous of them is a rejuvenating cocktail. This cocktail, which patients call miraculous, combines lipolytics and peptides.

Being a specialist in this field for 8 years, Diana regularly participates in international conferences and seminars, where the figures of the beauty world and world famous doctors take part.