"Every day I make this world a happier place to live in."  

The author of these words is the professional Avestan astrologer from Ukraine, Rysina Radena. To date, she has helped over 1000 patients on their path to happiness. Her main mission is to guide people out of the most complex karmic cycles, to find light, happiness, and love in life.  

Speaking about her work, the professional specialist says, "Astrology is not just a profession for me, it is my mission, path, and purpose, which I joyfully accept and fulfill."  

It is difficult to internalize life lessons without understanding them. Therefore, Rissine Radena accepts life and people in all their reality and spares no effort for their healing.  

Seeing how the lives of patients change after sessions is her greatest reward. Rissine Radena often organizes breakfasts and lectures for women who wish to discover the secrets of happiness, abundance, and feminine energy.  

We, as people, do not realize the potential power we possess because it is encoded in our birth charts. The birth chart is the recorded state of energies of all planets at the moment of the first breath at a person's birth. Radena Rissine has created her own personalized calendars that help combine the energy of each day and lighten life.  

She is also a guide in the game of transformation designed to achieve any goal. All reasons for failures in the game are deeply studied and eliminated.

Ukrainian Avestan astrologer Rissine Radena was awarded the nomination “Successful Astrologer of the Year” at the “Globe Gala” on March 19, 2024.