Meditation is an ancient method of achieving spiritual tranquility. This method is widely used in modern psychotherapy because contemporary people need more physical relaxation, rest, relief from stress, and clearing away unnecessary anxieties and thoughts. Meditation, which stabilizes inner harmony, should be conducted by specialists. One such professional in this field is Laura Omuraliyeva, an energy therapist with 15 years of experience.

Kyrgyz public figure, expert in noospheric development, mentor in unlocking potential, and founder of the Earth Future Foundation, Laura Omuraliyeva, graduated from the International Erickson Coaching University. She is currently a master's student at the European Institute of Natural Sciences and Distance Learning. With over 15 years as an energy therapist, Laura Omuraliyeva is a professional in color therapy, chakra, and aura correction.


Due to her many years of effective work, Laura Omuraliyeva has gained appreciation in several countries worldwide and has been organizing courses and seminars in this field since 2015. She founded the Women's Welfare Academy in Leningrad and is also the franchiser of the "Mandala of Women's Transformations" club. Known for her professionalism in countries like the Maldives, Italy, Turkey, Vietnam, and India, she is the author of the books "Mandala of 12 Qualities of a Woman," "Mandala Chakras," and "How to Buy a Chanel Jacket Without Fuss."

On July 3, 2024, Laura Omuraliyeva was awarded the title of "The Successful Entrepreneur and Mentor of the Year" at the international "Millionaire Concept Gala" project.